
About Aaron Moore

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So far Aaron Moore has created 3 blog entries.

Announcing an exciting, new opportunity happening at Parks & People this spring!

Seeds of Knowledge @ Creative City Public Charter School is a six-week after-school academic enrichment program for rising 1st- 5th grade students in Baltimore City. We focus our efforts on reading, environmental literacy, social emotional learning, and fostering an appreciation of the environment through hands-on learning. Seeds of Knowledge @ Creative City Public Charter [...]

Announcing an exciting, new opportunity happening at Parks & People this spring!2021-03-29T14:55:47+00:00

Saratoga Gateway Park

Things are moving along at Saratoga Gateway Park!  This park is an extension of Kirby Lane Park, which was completed in partnership with the Franklin Square Community and Bon Secours in 2019. This phase of the project replaces 10 former vacant properties with beautiful landscaping, walking loop, central lawn, a set of swings and pull [...]

Saratoga Gateway Park2021-03-29T12:58:28+00:00

Coming soon! New Park at Fort Worthington Elementary

Fort Worthington Elementary​ Park Location: Rear of 2700 Block of East Oliver Street​ Park Summary: Project in partnership with BC Planning through the INSPIRE program. PPF is the project manager to renovate this garden space and install paths, raised beds, new fencing, and irrigation. Parks is also working with Branches to install a green roof and additional elements​ Residents Served: 3,546​ Timeline: Spring 2021​ [...]

Coming soon! New Park at Fort Worthington Elementary2021-03-29T12:57:22+00:00
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